Quick history for those that don't know: they're referred to as "dollar cars" where the automaker sells it for $1 to have a transaction on record for a transfer of ownership (of sorts). But there usually is a contract that says the car is to be returned to the automaker or crushed (with evidence proving this was done). One memorable example from my time working in the auto industry: When I was at Bose, we had a dollar car preproduction '96 Z32 NA that was used for the 350Z audio system concept. That car stayed at Bose several years until it was no longer needed. Sadly it was sent out to be crushed (I couldn't stand to watch as they hauled it off to the scrapyard). Prior to obtaining the dollar car, the product planning manager approached me about using my TT as the concept car but I didn't want all that (non-reversible) work being done to it (holes in the dash for center speaker, holes behind the seat for subwoofer, and not to mention the car being shipped all over for customer listening evaluations). Back to the point of the car being registered and up for sale. I wonder if there is some obscure law on the CA DMV books that allows for the car to be registered as long as it's used as a show car and not driven on public roads. Perhaps that's why the seller has not removed the "Cal State Long Beach" that's all over the car? With regard to your observations of the preproduction differences, those are interesting to see. Makes you wonder if there are other hidden differences that are noteworthy. Dave
src="http://lh3.ggpht.com/_U5T2QqxaYaA/S3yFAz9PZyI/AAAAAAAAAC U/vAAf544hW3s/snowrail_500x306.jpg"> This car is probably owned by a snowboarder. Sig Quotes: "I JUST saw your polls post" email from BigTDogg on March 24, 2009 in reference to HREF="http://www.twinturbo.net/nissan/300zx/forums/polls/view/490 5/When-will-BigTDogg-get-his-TT-rebuild-finished-and-start.html">this polls post from Jan 7, 2009. HREF="http://www.twinturbo.net/net/viewmsg.aspx? forum=general&msg_id=1568995">"Your sausage scares me!" - TT- XTZ 6/13/05 HREF="http://www.twinturbo.net/net/viewmsg.aspx? forum=general&msg_id=1007578">"Or he's having a rough week like the rest of us and decided to take out his agressions of not being breast fed on me." BigTDogg 15:45, 09/25/03 HREF="http://www.twinturbo.net/net/viewmsg.aspx? forum=general&msg_id=1115021">"Pick her up from day care and take her to Dairy Queen for a snow cone." YugoBernie 1/7/04 HREF="http://www.twinturbo.net/net/viewmsg.aspx? forum=general&msg_id=1123974">of course those are canadian bannings and beatings, which after the conversion rate is really only a "hey! stop that!" Chris(NJ) 1/14/04 HREF="http://www.twinturbo.net/net/viewmsg.aspx? forum=general&msg_id=1328407">see the green "n" next to my name? what's COZ? (n/m) - 300zx88 8/11/04 |